How “Brian’s secret” gets you in the fastest-growing stocks

How “Brian’s secret” gets you in the fastest-growing stocks

Where Innovation Meets Investing

Brian Chesky’s bank account had dwindled to $1,000.

He had no job.

And the rent on his San Francisco apartment was about to jump by 25%.

With his back against the wall, Chesky tried a “silly” idea to make some cash.

He put three inflatable mattresses in his spare bedroom...

And offered to rent them to attendees of an upcoming conference in town.

Chesky built a rudimentary website and advertised it as Air Bed and Breakfast.

  • That “silly” idea is worth $30 billion today.

You surely know Airbnb as the wildly successful website that lets you rent out your home to travelers.

Founded just 12 years ago... it now lists more rooms than major hotel chains Marriott and Hilton—combined!

In today’s issue... I’ll show you the secret that upstart  Airbnb used to beat two of the world’s most successful hotel chains.

And more importantly—I’ll explain how you can apply this secret to the stock market... to spot little-known stocks that “hypergrow” 200%, 300%, or 400%+ in a matter of months.

Quick reminder: If you haven’t yet, go here to watch my new hypergrowth Masterclass video. In it, I break down the “anatomy of a hypergrowth stock”… so you can see exactly why these stocks are soaring so fast.

When you do, you’ll get a complimentary seat to my upcoming “Hypergrowth America” online summit on Monday, October 12 @ 2 p.m. ET.

More on that in a bit, but first…

  • Here’s breaking news that you may find truly shocking...

According to a new report from the US Census Bureau… the number of people starting their own business just surged to its highest level since 2007.

That’s not a typo…

You might not think launching a new business would be high on peoples’ “to do” lists in the middle of a pandemic.

But thanks to today’s new, blazing-fast technologies, it’s easier than ever for the little guy to turn their business dreams into reality.

A recent Emergent Research study found there are 41 million entrepreneurs in the US today—an all-time record!

  • What’s happening here is very, very important to you as an investor.

You see, for the first time in history, any American has the tools to cheaply and quickly launch a business from their kitchen table.

You don’t need to buy expensive servers to run a website anymore. With the “cloud,” you can rent supercomputers from Amazon or Microsoft for a fraction of the cost.

You can pay Shopify $30/month to handle all your online needs…

Hire PayPal to accept credit cards...

Even get basic legal services sorted out by LegalZoom... and hire Avalara (AVLR) to keep you in compliance with ridiculously complicated sales tax laws.  

You now can do this for a couple hundred bucks in one weekend.

And here’s the thing: This isn’t just about breaking down barriers for small entrepreneurs.

It’s a new phenomenon that’s reaching up and down the economy… from one self-employed guy up to the highest ranks of the stock market.

  • New, disruptive technologies are unlocking companies to grow at speeds we’ve never seen before.

As I’ve showed you over the past few weeks, startups are becoming $10 billion giants in a few years… sometimes months!

In essence, all  Airbnb did was use new, disruptive tech to its fullest potential.

Unlike Hilton or Marriott, Airbnb didn’t build or maintain hotels.

Brian Chesky and his small team simply registered a domain name, wrote computer code, and built an “app” that could be accessed from any smartphone.

It’s the same story with Uber, one of the fastest growing companies ever.

Uber went from startup to a $10 billion valuation in just two years.

It achieved this “hypergrowth” by crisscrossing two powerful new technologies...

The iPhone... and widespread access to fast internet.

  • Now please understand... these incredible growth stories aren’t exclusive to Airbnb and Uber.

It’s also how game-changers like Square… Slack… Stripe… Venmo… Instagram… Zoom… and Pinterest all got started.

They used new technologies to grow into big, viable businesses in a flash.

And here’s the most exciting part…

For the first time, all of this “hypergrowth” is now spilling into the stock market.

Just look at what’s happened this year…

Freelance marketplace Fiverr soared 566% in the past couple of months.

Telehealth pioneer Livongo handed out 457% gains since January.

Edge computing pioneer Fastly jumped 401% since start of 2020.

Real estate disruptor Redfin rocketed 287% in a couple of months.

Workhorse Group is up 687% this year… and Vivint has exploded 495%.

I could go on and on and on...

The key is, we’re now seeing dozens of stocks “hypergrow” each month.

In fact, more than 280 stocks have surged 100%+ since January!

  • We’ve NEVER seen anything like the number of stocks growing at hyperspeeds today...

And I’m on a mission to help you profit in this new world of hyper growing stocks.

If you’re interested in collecting fast gains in hypergrowing stocks, the best way for you to get started is to attend my upcoming Hypergrowth America Summit on October 12 at 2 p.m. ET.

I’ve dropped everything to expose the facts on this new class of stocks that reliably rise 300%+ in months.

I’ll even be presenting my #1 favorite hypergrowth stock pick, ticker and all.

Reserve your spot right here.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Stephen McBride
Editor — Disruption Investor

P.S. My research shows my #1 hypergrowth pick has a real shot to be the fastest 10-bagger growth stock in history from its current price.

You’ll get the name and ticker of this stock just for attending the “live” showing this coming Monday at 2pm EST. It’s free to attend, provided you register first by clicking here.

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