Sony’s hidden crown jewel

Sony’s hidden crown jewel

Where Innovation Meets Investing

** Sony’s reinventing itself…
** And it has nothing to do with video games…
** Here’s the real reason it’ll dominate the years ahead


Do you know what’s the #1 bestselling product of all time?

According to Time magazine, it’s the original Sony PlayStation video game system.

And Sony just launched what’ll likely be the hottest gift this holiday season...

I’m talking about the highly anticipated PlayStation 5—the company’s first video game console in seven years.

Now, I’m not a “gamer.” But I realize this is a big deal. Especially in today’s “stay at home” environment, where video games have exploded in popularity.

As Chief Trader Justin Spittler has showed us, you can make a lot of money from video game stocks.

But today, we’re talking about Sony (SNE) for a different reason.

As you can see, the stock is up 42% this year (outpacing the S&P 500 by 3x):

It’s now trading at its highest level since 2000.

Will it continue higher?

Chief Analyst Stephen McBride says, “Absolutely.”

But it has nothing to do with video games

Or its music business…

Stephen likes Sony for a simple reason—one you’re not hearing about anywhere else.

See, inside this massive company is a hidden “crown jewel.”

Sony’s “hidden” crown jewel…

Ask anyone about Sony, and “PlayStation” or “Walkman” will probably be the first thing out of their mouth. But they’re missing the most critical part of Sony’s business.

Here’s Stephen:

We all know Sony was the king of making the gadgets we all wanted for decades.

Millions of ‘90s kids begged Santa for a Sony PlayStation video game console. Millions more will be begging for the new PlayStation 5.

Sony was also the mastermind inventor behind CD players… color TVs… HD camcorders… floppy disks… transistor radios… and tape recorders.

But the REAL reason you should be excited about Sony is because it’s quietly fueled one of the most important industries in the world today

I’m talking about computer vision.

If you’ve been following Stephen’s work, you know computer vision is one of today’s biggest moneymaking opportunities.

In short, cutting-edge computers can now “see” and process visual information better than a human can. This is a game-changing foundational technology in the same way the PC, smartphone, and internet were foundational technologies.

In other words, computer vision is the bedrock on which tomorrow’s most exciting technologies will be built. It’s going to bring us drone delivery networks, vastly more efficient healthcare systems, and most important, true self-driving vehicles.

And Sony is one of the core companies making it all possible.

Here’s Stephen again:

Sony’s crown jewel is its image sensors, which are the sophisticated “eyes” of computer vision.

They process light from the outside world and transform it into a bunch of 1s and 0s, allowing cameras to render images.

But here’s what’s important: These tiny sensors are inside practically every computer vision device in the world. In fact, demand for its sensors is so high the company’s factory is running 24 hours a day to keep up!

And as Stephen showed his Disruption Investor subscribers…

Sony absolutely dominates the image sensor industry.

It accounts for over 50% of global sales:

When it comes to quality, Sony is in a league of its own. Its image sensors are so far ahead, it charges 2X as much as its closest competitor.

The world’s largest automaker, Toyota, is already using Sony’s latest sensors in its self-driving cars…

Sony’s 3D sensors are also inside the new Apple iPad Pro for augmented realty applications…

And it’s in the latest iPhone to construct a more accurate map of your face…

In short, Sony is a surefire way to profit off the computer vision boom. But Stephen also has another—more explosive way—to profit.

This company is much smaller than Sony. And Stephen’s research shows its new technology could soon be in every smartphone, tablet, laptop, and desktop. It will be used in practically every industry around the world. But its main focus is turning the $7 trillion healthcare market on its head.

When I read his writeup on this stock, I kept saying to myself, “How cool is that?” Stephen says this company is about to use computer vision to act as a doctor… in your pocket!

You can read more about this story here.

That’s all for this week.

Do you think computer vision is going to be the next great tech revolution? Have you profited off Stephen’s computer vision picks? Let me know at

Chris Reilly
Executive Editor, RiskHedge

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