The #1 and #2 tech trends to invest in today

The #1 and #2 tech trends to invest in today

Where Innovation Meets Investing

** Congrats to our August “Free Riders”!
** Shining the light on Chris Wood
** The #1 and #2 tech trends to invest in today


Today, we kick things off with a quick congratulations to our Project 5X and IPO Insider subscribers on their “Free Rides” this month.

A “Free Ride,” if you aren’t familiar, is a simple strategy our guys often use to lock in profits when one of their recommendations shoots up 100%+.

The idea is you sell enough shares to take your initial investment off the table, and then let the rest “ride” risk free.

It’s the best way to eliminate any risk… while still going after big gains.

Our microcap expert Chris Wood just took Free Rides on two big winners: real-estate disruptor eXp World Holdings (EXPI) and personalized medicine innovator Personalis (PSNL).

Both stocks have gone parabolic… shooting up 200%+ since he recommended them in his Project 5X microcap service.

Justin Spittler’s IPO Insider subscribers also enjoyed a Free Ride earlier this month on Jumia Technologies (JMIA)—a company that’s fast becoming the “Amazon of Africa.”

Keep in mind, most Free Ride opportunities don’t quite happen this fast… but in this case, Jumia shot off like a rocket, soaring 100%+ in just three weeks!

Take a look at your portfolio. If you’re up big on a stock, consider taking a Free Ride. It’s a win-win to keep your upside wide-open while taking all the risk off the table.

Now, I want to shine the light on Chris Wood…

Many readers have been asking for more on Chris after we dropped his latest microcap research… So I’ll do my best.

Chris isn’t like other analysts. Sure, he’ll put on a suit when needed… and speak at prestigious conferences from time to time.

But he’d much rather talk stocks with you over a couple of cold ones out on a boat. Chris’ down-to-earth personality means there are no “barriers” between him and his subscribers... which makes him unique in the investment world.

Chris played football in college. He was a “walk on” at the Longhorn football team at the University of Texas.

Here’s the ’98 roster. (And yes, that’s the NFL legend Ricky Williams above him.)

“I wish I could say I was stud,” Chris told me. “But truth is, I sat on the bench during games and got my butt kicked in practice by guys who were a lot bigger than me!”

Chris’ path to becoming a professional investor was different, too. After football, he got into investing to make his dad proud:

My dad taught me to love analyzing and valuing businesses. When I transferred from Texas to Loyola, he was teaching many of the finance courses over there. As an economics and finance major, I had to take several classes from him. His passion really rubbed off on me and set me on the course to where I am today.

Chris’ passion now?

Uncovering tiny companies doing something amazing and sharing that opportunity with my members. I love microcaps because they’re too small for Wall Street to bother with.

With good guidance, the average investor can make a lot of money in microcaps. My job is to provide that guidance to our readers in Project 5X.

Moving on, let me share my recent chat with Chris, so you can see his top moneymaking ideas today…

Chris Wood: “Invest in these two exciting tech trends TODAY”

CR: Hi Chris…

Our readers want to hear more from you. Can you talk about the top tech trend you and your subscribers are investing in today?

Chris Wood: Hey Reilly. Sure... I’ll give you my two favorites. You have to start with CTV Advertising.

We know all about the “cord cutting” craze by now. People are ditching cable for streaming services at the fastest rate in history.

CR: Yep, my wife and I were looking at our cable bill the other day… We both thought, “Why are we doing this?”

Chris Wood: Yeah, I’m a cord cutter myself. Like many people, I just stream everything through an internet-connected TV (CTV). But you can do it through anything these days… smart TVs, Apple TVs, and TVs connected with Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, even gaming consoles like Xboxes and PlayStations.

You’re already familiar with how targeted advertising works on the internet. I know you’re a golfer. After you search for golf clubs online, golf ads will follow you around to sites that have nothing to do with golf.

Now, that’s coming to your TV.

CTVs will allow for much more precise “dynamic” advertising on your TV. They’ll learn what shows you like, what you don’t like, how old you likely are, if you have kids, etc. Then they’ll use this information to figure out what you’re interested in buying and show you personalized ads for those things.

The potential here is GARGANTUAN. And the tiny companies that master the tech behind it stand to make early investors a fortune.

CR: That’s exciting. What else?

Chris Wood: My subscribers and I are betting big on the “End of Moore’s Law.” That’s by far the biggest trend of all. The future of tech is on the line.

CR: That sounds ominous... can you elaborate?

Chris Wood: Moore’s Law is, hands down, the most important concept in tech.

It touches everything from 5G to self-driving cars to artificial intelligence. Without it, we can pretty much say goodbye to every technology we care about.

In short, Moore’s Law observes that computers continuously double in power and shrink in size.

Specifically, it holds that the number of transistors that can fit on a computer chip doubles about every two years. Back in 1965, only 64 transistors fit on the world’s most complex computer chip. Today, more than 10 billion transistors can fit on a single chip!

This one simple “Law” is the reason technology keeps improving by leaps and bounds.

But now, after 55 years, Moore’s Law is on life support.

CR: How so?

Chris Wood: Basically, transistors can’t get any smaller. It’s a problem of physics.

See, certain components of transistors are now so small they’re measured in atoms. In short, transistors work by allowing electrons to pass through tiny “logic gates.” If the gates are too small, an electron can’t pass through... and the transistor won’t work.

In the simplest sense, this is the problem that’s been stumping computer engineers for years. If you can’t make transistors smaller, how do you make computers faster? Moore’s Law has reached its breaking point.

That’s why I’m focused on the companies keeping Moore’s Law (and the future of tech) alive: by creating entirely new ways to make microchips.

CR: Do you have a couple of names or tickers to share with readers?

Chris Wood: As you can imagine, there are a lot of companies working on this. But only one little microcap has developed a technology that’s proven to work in a lab setting.

This microcap is very, very close to announcing a major royalty deal with one of the largest chipmakers on earth—possibly Intel, possibly Taiwan Semiconductor.

Share this link with readers. It’ll take them to my new briefing that details this opportunity... and how they can get in before the big deal is announced.

CR: Perfect. Thanks Chris, talk soon.

Chris Reilly
Executive Editor, RiskHedge

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