Is technological progress about to “go vertical?”

Is technological progress about to “go vertical?”

Where Innovation Meets Investing

Less than 12 months…

That’s all it took for the COVID vaccines to be developed, tested, and rolled out across the world.

It’s an astonishing scientific achievement, and by far the fastest vaccine in history.

But here’s what’s even more remarkable

Do you know how long it took for the COVID vaccines to be designed?

Take a guess:

8 months? 6 months? 3 months?

According to The Wall Street Journal

  • The Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine was designed in “just a few hours over a single day”…

Let me repeat…

A COVID vaccine was designed in about the time it takes to complete a round of golf on a Sunday afternoon.

And here’s the most incredible part:

Moderna’s vaccines were essentially “ready to go” in January 2020… well before most people had even heard of the coronavirus.

The additional year to deployment was mostly due to waiting for the government and FDA to approve the vaccines.

Today, nearly 60% of Americans have been fully vaccinated. And it wouldn’t have been possible without the groundbreaking messenger RNA (mRNA) tech that went into these vaccines. Messenger RNA is simply a genetic material that tells cells how to make proteins.

According to Business Insider:

“Utilizing mRNA technology meant that both Pfizer and Moderna only needed the coronavirus' genetic sequence to make a vaccine—no virus had to be cultivated in labs. That's why the companies were able to progress in record time.”

I’m telling you this because it’s the latest example of the most important trend of our time: the unprecedented acceleration happening in technological progress.

  • In short, bigger breakthroughs are happening faster and faster...

Just 2 weeks ago, scientists made arguably the biggest medical breakthrough of the 21st century.

For the first time, they edited genes inside the human body.

As we showed you, Disruption Trader stock Intellia (NTLA) made it happen. Its breakthrough will cure terrible diseases like cystic fibrosis… Huntington's… and sickle cell anemia.

Perhaps the most stunning thing about Intellia’s breakthrough is when it happened.

Scientists knew it was only a matter of time until we could edit genes inside the human body. But the consensus was it would take a long time—many more years—to get there.

The fact Intellia achieved it now was a shocker to almost everyone. Even Intellia’s chief medical officer said the results were “beyond what we expected.”

And investors were certainly not anticipating this huge news. Intellia stock shot from $88/sh to over $200 as markets digested the monumental breakthrough.

Now, each of these two breakthroughs—the warp speed vaccine rollout and the historic milestone in gene editing—is extremely impressive on its own.

But the fact that they both happened within a few months of each other is something else entirely.

And it brings me to what’s arguably the most important chart you’ll find today.

You see, in order to truly grasp why these things are happening for the first time ever—so fast—you need to understand the powerful force behind these breakthroughs…

  • I’m talking about the phenomenon known as exponential growth…

This simple diagram is so important, you may want to print it out and keep it at your desk. It charts our technological progress over time:

As you can see, growth is getting faster... and faster... and faster.

Most people don’t notice exponential growth in its early stages, when progress is slow. But as time passes and innovations build on each other, growth quietly accumulates.

Until one day, BAM: growth hits “escape velocity” and goes vertical.

That’s where we are today.

We’ve seen radical improvements in technology during the last 10 years. If you’ve been following the RiskHedge Report, you’re familiar with many of them: 5G, streaming, cloud computing.

But these improvements are small compared to what’s coming. We’re now in the phase of exponential growth… where things that seem almost impossible happen with regularity.

Here’s RiskHedge Chief Analyst Stephen McBride:

Scientists are now using a new technology called proteomics to make a drug to reverse Alzheimer’s. Multiple companies are now going to space. A CANCER VACCINE is now in clinical trials. A new report from MIT now confirms that a compact nuclear fusion reactor is “very likely to work.”

Notice the key word in all these achievements: NOW.

Thanks to the inflection point in exponential growth, all these exciting breakthroughs are happening today. Not next 2030 or 2025. Now! It’s a watershed moment for humanity and for investors.

  • If all this sounds familiar, it should. Stephen essentially predicted this in his “Hypergrowth America” presentation...

In October, Stephen argued that America was entering a phase of warp-speed growth unlike anything we’ve seen. And he made the case for investing in hypergrowth stocks—the fast-growing businesses that make these breakthroughs happen, and create entirely new industries from scratch in the process.

For example, Stephen and his co-editor Justin Spittler recommended Intellia a month before its groundbreaking announcement. It’s up 99% since.

They also recommended STAAR Surgical (STAA) in October. Its primary product is a foldable lens that goes into the eye. In short: It’s a new, better alternative to LASIK surgery. Readers are sitting on a 97% gain.

Other recs from Stephen and Justin have seen peak gains of 464%... 248%... and 142%.

Today, Stephen and Justin have pinpointed 5 new hypergrowth stocks to buy today.

If you want in on them—for the special $2,000-off price we’re currently offering—go here now.

And don’t wait too long, because:

  1. Prices move fast with hypergrowth trades, so you want to make sure you get in at great entry points, and
  1. ***At midnight tonight, we’re closing this particular offer where you can access all of Stephen and Justin’s research—at a 50%+ discount.

Here’s the link if you’re interested.

Chris Reilly
Executive Editor, RiskHedge

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