The whole point of investing

The whole point of investing

Where Innovation Meets Investing

We almost never do this.

And I (Chris Reilly) apologize for the late notice.

But today until midnight only, you can upgrade to our flagship advisory Disruption Investor for up to 50% off.

If you’ve been reading RiskHedge for long, you know Disruption Investor rarely “goes on sale.” That’s because the undiscounted price is, in my admittedly biased opinion, already the best deal in all of financial research.

Disruption Investor has beat the markets two years running. And it’s helping subscribers protect their money now with a portfolio hedge that’s up 40% while markets are struggling.

Earlier this week, we made an exception and opened a secret sale to a small slice of our audience that participated in a recent RiskHedge event. But today, and today only, we’re opening up the opportunity to everyone before it ends at midnight.

Go here to see if Disruption Investor is right for you. You’ve got 12 hours or less to act, depending on when you’re reading this.

  • Stocks continue to look shaky.

Despite rebounding a bit over the past couple days, the S&P 500 is down 7% over the past month.

And just look at how the market’s closed each day since March. This is the definition of a roller coaster. Up big one day, down big the next.

I have been in the investing research business for over 10 years now, and I can tell you:

  • These are exactly the times when having a steady guide makes all the difference.

I feel bad for investors who listened to Wall Street coming into the year.

But Disruption Investor members knew better.

In the January issue of Disruption Investor, Stephen McBride flagged four “caution” lights flashing over the market:

#1: Too many record highs in 2024. The S&P 500 made 57 new all-time highs last year—the most since 2021.

After studying nearly 100 years of market history, Stephen and his team found that when stocks notch 50+ record highs in a year, they typically stumble the next. Since 1928, this has happened seven times, with stocks falling an average of 3% the following year.

#2: Wall Street’s universal bullishness. Every major Wall Street firm predicted stocks would rise in 2025. Problem is, Wall Street’s public forecasts are consistently awful.

In 2022, it predicted stocks would rise 5%; stocks tanked 18%.

2023? It predicted stocks would fall for the first time ever. The S&P soared 26%.

History tells us you usually make money by doing the opposite of what Wall Street expects.

#3: The market was starting to feel frothy. Back in late 2022, when pessimism peaked, Stephen pounded the table to buy stocks—and the S&P 500 rocketed 60%+ afterward.

Fast forward to the start of 2025... investors were showing record-high confidence, financial journalists were cheering for bubbles, and even career pessimists had turned bullish.


These were classic warning signs which Stephen identified. “When financial journalists turn cheerleaders, it’s usually time to turn cautious.”

#4: The presidential cycle reset. Year one of a presidential term historically delivers the second-weakest returns of the four-year cycle. While stocks tend to inch higher with an average gain of 4.8%, there’s a 45% chance they’ll fall instead—basically a coin flip. Another reason to be cautious.

  • Here’s Stephen’s three-part strategy for this market...

First, sell stocks you only “kinda, sorta” like.

As Stephen laid out in his recent video update to Disruption Investor members, it’s time to be extra selective.

Second, continue accumulating shares of great disruptors. Specifically companies that can continue to grow revenues and profits and are not just relying on stories or hype.

Finally, #3:

Protect against downside with strategic hedges.

This balanced approach is why Disruption Investor subscribers have been so well-positioned during recent volatility.

Let’s quickly touch on that last part: the hedge.

  • There are countless “one-hit wonder” investors who strike it big during a stock market rally... only to give it all back when markets turn south.

The whole point of investing is to build lasting wealth.

That’s why opportunistic hedging is a cornerstone of our Disruption Investor strategy.

Unlike simple diversification (which spreads risk across various investments), hedging actively protects your capital from specific risks during specific time periods.

While many investors confuse diversifiers (like bonds, gold, real estate…) with true hedges, there’s one crucial difference: timing. With hedging, timing is essential. If a hedge doesn’t “work” when you need it to, it’s not a good hedge.

The best hedges rise a lot in value exactly when you need them to—when most other prices are falling. As I mentioned, our recommended hedge is up 40%, while the market is down 7% this year.

I won’t go on and on about hedges here. Stephen, Chris Wood, and the Disruption Investor team wrote a whole issue about it in August. Paid-up subscribers can access The hedging issue here.

  • If you’re not part our Disruption Investor tribe yet… now’s a great time to consider joining.

As a final reminder: Disruption Investor is up to 50% off until midnight. This is something we rarely do, and it’s only available until midnight.

Inside, you’ll get:

  • Stephen and Chris’s market-beating stock recommendations.
  • A clear roadmap for navigating today’s challenging market.
  • The peace of mind that comes from having a proven plan.
  • And much more.

Click here to take advantage of this special 50% discount before it expires at midnight.


Chris Reilly
Executive Editor, RiskHedge

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